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Women Health

Blog from Women Health

    “What is the difference between PCOS and PCOD?” is a common question that disturbs many women. A significant PCOD and PCOS difference are that PCOD is a disease while PCOS is a syndrome.  Both PCOD and PCOS form cysts in your ovaries. Moreover, these disorders release androgen hormones in your body. The secretion of thisYour Read More Link Text

    Pregnancy is a beautiful journey to bring life to this planet. Finally, you are ready to start a new chapter of your life. However, with endless beautiful moments, this phase has its share of worries. During pregnancy, what most women may think of is, “Which is better normal delivery or cesarean?”  A vaginal delivery orYour Read More Link Text

    What Is A Hysterectomy? A surgical procedure in which the surgeon removes the uterus from a woman’s body is known as hysterectomy. There are various forms of hysterectomy. Some of them are mentioned below: Partial hysterectomy: A procedure in which partial removal of the uterus takes place, and the cervix remains intact. Standard hysterectomy: AYour Read More Link Text

    In this blog, we are going to talk about what happens if one goes past her due date. Stick around this article to find out what overdue pregnancy means and what could be the reasons for no labour pain after due date.Is it considered normal to go past the due date? The answer is affirmativeYour Read More Link Text

    PCOD or Polycystic ovary disease is a hereditary and biological factor-based disease that affects almost 5 -10% of women between the age of 12 – 45. Ovaries are designed to make a small number of male hormones and female sex hormones to regulate eggs development in women. One or more eggs are released from egg-filledYour Read More Link Text

    What is IVF? In Vitro Fertilization is a technological reproductive treatment that assists the patient to enable fertilization in their bodies. This process facilitates pregnancy and is popularly known as IVF treatment. The off-springs that are born through this technological procedure are known as “test-tube babies”. In the IVF process from start to finish, thereYour Read More Link Text

    Infertility is a problem that has been causing a lot of stress in couples who want to be parents. There are several reasons why a couple becomes infertile, with some of them being myths that pose as facts. One of the reasons that people strongly believe as the leading cause of infertility is masturbation.  ‘DoesYour Read More Link Text

    What Is Laparoscopy? Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed on individuals to examine the health of their organs. The procedure is also performed to investigate the cause and factors affecting infertility. Laparoscopy allows the doctor to see inside your abdomen and is a suitable method for several ailments, including infertility. In a woman,Your Read More Link Text

    IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is a treatment that aids many parents to experience parenthood. In this process, eggs are retrieved from your ovaries and fertilized with sperm. The process also makes use of donor eggs and donor sperm from a partner or a donor. The eggs fertilized with the sperm are called embryos, andYour Read More Link Text

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