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General Health

Blog from General Health

    Summer infections are unavoidable no matter where you live in India. The following are some of the most prevalent summer illnesses: This blog contains all the information about summer illnesses. Heat Stroke The most common summer illness is hyperthermia, generally known as heat stroke. When you are exposed to extreme temperatures over an extended periodYour Read More Link Text

    Skin diseases are disorders that affect the surface of your skin. Several conditions may cause rashes, inflammation, itching, and other skin problems. Some skin problems are caused by genetics, while lifestyle factors cause others. Medication, lotions, ointments, and lifestyle changes may treat skin diseases. This blog contains all the information about skin diseases. What areYour Read More Link Text

    Breastfeeding is the right way to feed your baby because it supplies more than just nutrition, including immune-boosting antibodies. Additionally, it is a time of bonding between mother and baby. Breastfeeding is an up-and-down experience, and there may be more downs than ups in the first few days and weeks. With practice and effort, itYour Read More Link Text

    India experiences one of the most challenging summers across the Asian continent. The typical heat with the temperature soaring above 40 degrees calls in for various heat-related health disorders like body heat, dehydration, heat strokes, skin rashes, and many more. One such common problem that occurs during this season is nose bleeding. Nosebleeds are moreYour Read More Link Text

    A woman indeed has to go through a lot during her pregnancy. There are consistent changes in hormone levels during pregnancy. Once the baby is born, there are postpartum chills in many instances. The immediate solution is to wrap yourself in a blanket, you can relax, and the shivers will end immediately. These symptoms areYour Read More Link Text

    Dengue fever, commonly known as breakbone fever, is an infection spread by mosquitos that can cause a severe flu-like illness. It is spread by Aedes mosquitoes and is caused by four distinct viruses. Dengue virus is the name of the virus that causes the disease (DENV). There are four different DENV serotypes, and you canYour Read More Link Text

    More than half the world population across the world is under the threat of dengue fever. The incidence of dengue has risen dramatically across the globe in recent decades, and today, the dengue fever is declared endemic in many nations. There is still no precise dengue treatment as the fever is transmitted in humans dueYour Read More Link Text

    Vaccines are an essential part of our health as they prevent and keep us safe from different health issues. Pregnancy vaccination plays an integral role in protecting the health of both the mother and the baby. If a mother’s immunity is affected, it can directly affect the baby’s health during and after pregnancy. To stayYour Read More Link Text

    Sometimes an adequate amount of exercise may not be enough to resolve the issue of being a little overweight or obese. You may also need a strict diet plan carefully drawn out by a professional dietician. One of the diet plans most popularly opted by people worldwide is the keto diet. In this diet, youYour Read More Link Text

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