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Stomach care

Blog from Stomach care

    Summer, the hottest season of all seasons, is also the season of food poisoning. Every year many patients get affected by food poisoning and experience its symptoms.  Food poisoning is caused by bacteria in contaminated or infected food. In extremely hot temperatures, the bacteria grow faster, and thus; the illness affects more people. Here’s anYour Read More Link Text

    Have you experienced the comeback of food to your mouth after eating? But why does food come back up after eating? Well, it happens because of regurgitation, and you experience the comeback of food, liquid, and stomach acids into the mouth. However, you may not experience this condition until you taste the food or acidYour Read More Link Text

    If you experience extreme pressure or a perceived threat, your body may respond to such situations. These natural responses are called stress. A little bit of stress can improve your productivity and help you meet strict deadlines. However, if a situation goes out of your hands, your body may adversely respond to such problems. AsYour Read More Link Text

    So, you had a fantastic meal. But after some time, you start experiencing heartburn or acid reflux. As a result, you begin to regret why you even had that meal. Basically, ‘acidity,’ this unwanted feeling we all don’t want but still experience frequently. In this blog, you will learn some of the best home remediesYour Read More Link Text

    The anus is the lowermost part of the body and is also called “the exit for the stools”. It passes through the strong, muscular canal of the pelvic and anal sphincter. The canal is around 5-6 cm long. We know defects in the anal canal are known as anal disorders, and piles, fissures, and fistulaYour Read More Link Text

    ‘When do piles need surgery?’ is often asked when patients visit a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Undergoing surgery can be overwhelming to many people. But before we move to conclusions, let’s first understand what ‘piles’ is. Haemorrhoids or piles are irritated and swollen veins around your rectum or anus. There are two types ofYour Read More Link Text

    Did you know, an average person knowingly or unknowingly passes gas at least 23 times a day? They are very common and are considered to be normal bodily functions. Some of the symptoms include bloating, pain in your abdomen, burping, passing gas, and more, which you may experience daily. The passing of gas is veryYour Read More Link Text

    GERD Diet: एसिड रिफ्लक्स की प्रक्रिया आपके आपके शरीर में होनी तब शुरु होती है जब पेट में बनने वाला एसिड आपके खाने की नली यानी एसोफैगस की ओर आने लगता है। हालांकि एसिड का रिफ्लक्स (acid reflux) होना आम समस्या है लेकिन जब ये प्रक्रिया अक्सर होने लगे तो GERD यानी गैस्ट्रोएसोफैगल रिफ्लक्स डिसीज़Your Read More Link Text

    गैस्ट्रोएसोफेगल रिफ्लक्स डिजीज (gastroesophageal reflux disease) वो अवस्था होती है जिसमें पेट में बनने वाला एसिड एसोफैगस तक आ जाता है। कई लोगों को अक्सर गैस्ट्रोएसोफेगल रिफ्लक्स की समस्या होती है। लेकिन  जिन लोगों को हफ्ते में दो बार से ज़्यादा एसिड रिफलक्स (acid reflux) का सामना करना पड़े उन्हें GERD यानी गैस्ट्रोएसोफाजाल रिफ्लक्स डिजीजYour Read More Link Text

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