Blog from COVID care
XE is the New covid strain, and it was first noticed in the United Kingdom in mid of January 2022. The new covid variant has behaved like a silent intruder and has impacted India and many other nations. With the new Covid variant, many countries have closed down their borders and restricted movement. China hasYour Read More Link Text
The COVID-19 virus affects distinct people differently, and most people infected with it have mild to moderate symptoms and recover without hospitalization. The havoc of this virus started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. However, the WHO (World Health Organization ) has declared the coronavirus a pandemic. Benefits Of COVID-19 Vaccine According to an investigationYour Read More Link Text
Ujala Cygnus Hospital is mindful that people with cancer and cancer survivors, especially those with compromised immune systems, are likely tensed about the potential impact of COVID-19 on their health. Patients should speak with their oncologists and health care units to discuss their alternatives to protect themselves from an ongoing Covid pandemic. Below are someYour Read More Link Text
The liver is the body’s second-largest organ, and one of its primary functions is to drain out poisons that can damage our health. Our liver processes food makes bile, helps sustain our blood sugar levels, and serves hundreds of other metabolic functions necessary to live. Liver cells, mainly hepatocytes, form a major source of proteinsYour Read More Link Text
Diabetes and coronavirus: आधुनिक समय में अस्त व्यस्थ जीवनशैली की वजह से कई बीमारियों ने हमारी ज़िन्दगी में जगह बना ली है। दिल की बीमारी, हड्डियों में परेशानी और थाइरोइड जैसी समस्याएं अब रोज़ ही सुनने को मिलती हैं। डायबिटीज उनमें से एक है। अध्ययन में पाया गया है कि भारत में डायबिटीज के मरीज़Your Read More Link Text