Blog from Bones Joints & Muscles
What is neck pain? Neck pain occurs whenever you experience pain in your neck, which can be caused for several reasons. The neck undergoes a lot of pressure by upholding your head all time with the help of the bones present at the top of the spinal cord, muscles and ligaments. Several factors like goingYour Read More Link Text
You might have heard that cracking your knuckles might give you arthritis. It is a myth, but if your joints have been cracking all of a sudden, you might be right to worry. Any of the joints can make a cracking sound. You may hear the sound while doing exercises or simply during a walk. Your Read More Link Text
You squat for multiple reasons, and during that time, you may experience a cracking or popping sound in your knees. Most of you may wonder, “Why do my knees crack when I squat?” The answer is simple. It is because squatting puts pressure on your knees. The cracking sound is called crepitus, and if thisYour Read More Link Text
There are various inexplicable reasons why your joints may pain in a day, whether you overdid your training session or have just been sitting for a long period in the same position. When you stretch and flex your muscles, joint pain caused by these common problems usually goes away on its own. However, there areYour Read More Link Text
Tuberculosis is a disease that has been prevalent for many years. It is still existent in the world around us due to human unawareness and negligence. Tuberculosis is considered one of the top ten causes of death in India. It is an airborne disease that is caused by bacterial infections. Mycobacterium tuberculosis results in boneYour Read More Link Text
A joint in the body is where two or more bones meet. Damages caused to the joints by injury or serious illness interfere with the mobility of the joints and can cause a lot of pain. Joint pains are a common complaint among the ageing people as well the young adults. Symptoms and Causes ofYour Read More Link Text
No longer just a common complaint with ageing, joint pains are now very common in young adults too. Causes vary from person to person, with lifestyle changes and physical inactivity atop the list. Joint pain can be described as any discomfort, soreness or aches in the body where two or more bones meet to formYour Read More Link Text
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are the two most common conditions that give rise to joint pain and even joint bone stiffness. Still, these both are different conditions that occur due to different causes and also require diverse treatment approaches. There are approximately more than a hundred types of arthritis. In this article, weYour Read More Link Text
Osteoporosis: बढ़ती उम्र के साथ हड्डियों का कमज़ोर होना आम बात है। लेकिन जब ये कमज़ोरी एक हद से ज़्यादा हो जाती है और नौबत ये आ जाती है कि हड्डियां आसानी से टूटने लगे और फ्रैक्चर हो जाए तो उस स्थिति को ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस (osteoporosis meaning) कहते हैं। मानव शरीर में हड्डियों का उत्थान होनाYour Read More Link Text