Regular periods are signs of healthy women, and when these periods start getting late or get missed, it could be a sign of concern. There are two occasions when a woman’s period is irregular, the first is when the period first commenced and once when menopause has occurred. Before getting to know about late periods, let’s all get aware of the actual cycle or monthly period that a woman needs to undergo.
What Is A Menstrual Cycle?
A menstrual cycle is the regular series of transformations a woman’s body goes through in trial for the possibility of pregnancy. Every month, the ovaries discharge an egg to undergo ovulation. These hormonal changes prepare the uterus for pregnancy. The ovulation takes place on a specific day of the month. If the egg is not fertilized on ovulation, the uterus lining sheds through the vagina. This is a complete understanding of the menstrual period.
Reasons For Late or Missed Periods
There are many reasons when this menstrual period is missed out or are not occurring on the specific date of the month. This adds to the worries about a late period as you know you’re not pregnant. These late periods arise for many reasons other than pregnancy, and some reasons for such delays may be due to hormonal or severe medical conditions.
The body goes through a transition once your cycle becomes irregular. Until they do not reach menopause, women usually have a period every 28 days. The time frame of a healthy menstrual cycle occurs every 21 to 35 days. When these periods don’t fall in these ranges, it could be for one of the following reasons.
The period may not make an impression once the baby is born, but don’t be shocked! When breastfeeding, your little one experiencing irregular periods is normal. Such a state is medically referred to as lactational amenorrhea, and it could disrupt the rhythm of your menstrual cycle. Once this phase is over, your monthly period will be right back on route.
Over Stressed
Stress is part and parcel of day-to-day life. Stress can be managed when it is meagre, but chronic stress may throw your body out of balance. The daily stress of reaching out to the office and exercising daily challenges at your workplace activates the hormone cortisol and pushes the body into survival mode. Prolonged stress may induce amenorrhea and thereby prevent regular menstruation.
Extra Workouts
Everyone is a fitness concern nowadays and wants to be in good shape, but that doesn’t mean you will over-exert yourself. Working out regularly is a healthy habit of staying fit, but it could lower estrogen levels when you do excessive workouts. The hormone that controls the female reproductive process is estrogen. Many athletes experience secondary amenorrhea, meaning they don’t have a period for six months or longer from rigorous training.
Females suffering from co-morbidities or put on medication often get impacted by its side effects may end up with irregular periods. Antipsychotic drugs are believed to affect menstruation by creating an imbalance in the prolactin levels in the body. Moreover, some birth control medicines, such as an IUD, implant, or shot, may end your periods while on them.
Weight Gain
When women are underweight or overweight, it may impact your monthly cycle. The irregular menstruation cycle mainly occurs because of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia and uncontrolled diabetes. When you suspect this might be a concern for you, see your health care provider right away.
Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)
1. Why Is My Period Late?
Pregnancy is one of the causes of a late period. It is important to meet a doctor if you have missed more than three consecutive periods in a row.
2. How Long Does a Menstruation Cycle Last?
The menstruation cycle is calculated from the first day of one period till the next period starts. The cycle lasts between 21 to 25 days.
3. Why did you miss your period?
If you have missed your periods, it could be that you’re pregnant, having a lot of pressure, you are on birth control which has prevented your period, you might have lost weight, or simply that your cycle is still gathering out its flow. Missing a period may also signify a severe condition like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
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