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Laparoscopy For Infertility

Laparoscopy For Infertility

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    What Is Laparoscopy?

    Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed on individuals to examine the health of their organs. The procedure is also performed to investigate the cause and factors affecting infertility. Laparoscopy allows the doctor to see inside your abdomen and is a suitable method for several ailments, including infertility. In a woman, the fallopian tubes and uterus are located in the pelvis, which is at the bottom of the abdominal area. 

    A laparoscope is a specialized surgical tool with a thin, fibre-optic tube containing a camera and light in it. In a laparoscopic procedure, the doctor makes one to three minor cuts in the abdomen. Through these cuts, the laparoscope is inserted into your stomach, which allows the doctor to look into your organs. 

    Laparoscopy for infertility allows the doctor to detect issues and abnormalities that might hinder your ability to conceive a child. Some of the most common fertility issues are pelvic adhesions, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids.

    Who Must Undergo Laparoscopy For Infertility?

    Couples who have already undergone basic infertility evaluation like ultrasound, ovarian reserve, hysterosalpingogram, and semen analysis, can opt for diagnostic laparoscopy for infertility. Any woman who has a history of a ruptured appendix or severe pelvic infections is more at risk of pelvic adhesions. In such a case, a laparoscopy will most likely benefit her and help her conceive a baby.

    Why Laparoscopy Is Done For Infertility?

    Certain specific causes and reasons for infertility can only be diagnosed through laparoscopy, with endometriosis being one of the best examples. Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the doctor to see what is inside your abdomen and gives a better chance to you at getting pregnant with fertility treatments.

    The question “why laparoscopy is done for infertility?” remains unanswered to many women until they experience its benefits. The most effective and vital reason to undergo laparoscopy is if you experience pelvic pain. Laparoscopy is performed to remove scar tissues, endometrial deposits, and fibroids that can cause pain.

    What Are The Advantages Of Laparoscopy For Infertility?

    Laparoscopy for infertility is a surgical treatment that allows the doctor to diagnose fertility issues. The procedure helps investigate the problems of infertility in women and then offers treatment for the issues detected. For example, if you have mild endometriosis or pelvic adhesions, they can be detected by a laparoscopy. Pelvic adhesions interfere with your ability to conceive by making it difficult for your eggs to get into the fallopian tubes at the time of ovulation. These adhesions can only be identified through surgery.

    Another advantage is that laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery performed by a surgeon. The procedure needs one to three smaller incisions of half a centimetre or full centimetre in length. You may need to stay in the hospital for a couple of nights based on your health. Most times, patients are allowed to go home after resting for a few hours post-procedure. The procedure eliminates the need for staying in the hospital for most patients unless the patient has any other underlying condition that may need to be monitored.

    When Is Laparoscopy Used?

    Listed below are some of the possible reasons why your doctor can recommend laparoscopy:

    • When you experience pain during sexual intercourse
    • You suffer from pelvic pain or severe menstrual cramps when you are not on your periods.
    • If endometriosis is suspected, irrespective of whether it is moderate or severe.
    • In the case of pelvic inflammatory diseases or pelvic adhesions
    • If your doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy, you may need to undergo laparoscopy. If left untreated, ectopic pregnancy can cost you your life.
    • Suppose hydrosalpinx is suspected in your body; you may need to undergo laparoscopy. Hydrosalpinx condition is associated with a blocked fallopian tube.
    • Laparoscopy is also performed as a treatment to repair or unblock a fallopian tube.
    • In the case of fibroids deposits that are causing you pain, you may need laparoscopy treatment. A fibroid can distort the uterine activity or may even block the other fallopian tubes.
    • If you have PCOS, then your doctor may recommend ovarian drilling. In laparoscopy ovarian drilling, your doctor will make around three to eight tiny punctures into your ovaries. If you have not ovulated, laparoscopy can be a helpful treatment.

    Your doctor may suggest diagnostic laparoscopy for infertility to understand the cause and then offer the right treatment. The doctor will recommend this surgical procedure only if other infertility tests have failed to diagnose your problem. 

    How Is Laparoscopy Done?

    Laparoscopy is performed in a hospital by a surgeon and under general anaesthesia. Before the surgery, your doctor will give you a few instructions to be followed. You must not eat or drink eight or more hours before your surgery. You may also be asked to take antibiotics which depends on your health condition and your health.

    After reaching the hospital, the medical staff will likely give you an IV, through which medications will be administered. When it is time for the surgery, you will be administered general anaesthesia. The anesthesiologist will put a mask on your face. Inside your mask, you will breathe a sweet-smelling gas for a few minutes, and then you will fall asleep during the entire surgery.

    Once the general anaesthesia starts showing its effects, the surgeon will start making small cuts around your abdomen. Through these cuts and with the help of a needle, your abdomen will be filled with carbon dioxide gas which provides enough room for the doctor to see the inside organs and move the surgical tools.

    After filling your stomach with gas, a laparoscope will be inserted through the incisions made. The laparoscope will help the doctor to have a closer look at the pelvic organs. Through the tiny camera on a laparoscope, the surgeon will visually monitor your pelvic organs’ condition and the other surrounding organs as well. The doctor will try to look for any scar tissues, adhesions, endometrial growths, or cysts. Even if no signs are detected, the surgeon will remove a sample of your tissue to be tested for any moderate abnormalities.

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