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Remedies & Causes of No Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Remedies & Causes of No Weight Gain during Pregnancy

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    Did you know, it is not just okay for a pregnant woman to pack on some pounds, it is vital as well? A spike in the number on your weighing scale must make you happy and content. Most women complain about gaining too much weight. But the problem lies when you experience no weight gain in pregnancy. Are you one of those women? Your doctor at Ujala can help!

    What Are The Causes Of No Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

    Almost every woman witnesses a positive spike in her weight within a few months of conceiving except for a few. Are you one of those women who is not gaining any prenatal weight? Several factors contribute to pregnant women not gaining weight, eating fewer calories being one of them. Here are some of the other causes of no weight gain during pregnancy!

    • Loss of appetite
    • Morning sickness
    • A fast metabolism
    • Concern over your body image
    • Other medical conditions

    Most doctors do not expect a pregnant woman to gain weight during her first trimester. It is perfectly normal since the fetus is small, and so are the nutritional needs. Women sometimes lose weight which they pick up in their second trimester when the fetus’s nutritional needs increase.

    Is There Anything Called Too Little Weight Gain?

    The weight you must gain during pregnancy will depend on how much you weighed before you conceived. For instance, if you are obese or even overweight, you must gain less weight than women who fall under normal weight and underweight.

    Ideal weight gain during the second trimester

    • Women who were underweight before pregnancy must gain approximately 500 grams a week and between 13 to 18 kilograms throughout their pregnancy.
    • Before pregnancy, women with a normal weight gain approximately 500 grams a week, and between 11 to 16 kilograms throughout their pregnancy.
    • Before pregnancy, women who were overweight must gain approximately 275 grams a week and between 7 to 11 kilograms throughout their pregnancy.
    • Before pregnancy, women who were obese must gain approximately 225 grams a week and between 5 to 9 kilograms throughout their pregnancy.
    • Women carrying twins must gain 50% more weight depending on their pre-pregnancy weight.

    What Happens If You Experience Too Little Or No Weight Gain In Pregnancy?

    Are you experiencing no weight gain during pregnancy? Did you know that not gaining sufficient weight can present you as well as your baby with the risk of complications? If you do not experience ideal weight gain, your baby may suffer growth restrictions in the uterus. Your baby will be small for their gestational age and is most likely to be born prematurely.

    Babies who are born prematurely are at greater risk of illnesses. Some babies have difficulty breastfeeding and may face developmental issues. Your doctor at Ujala will recommend a nutritionist who can help you gain weight and avoid these complications.

    How Can I Improve My Weight During Pregnancy?

    No weight gain during pregnancy is a complication that needs to be addressed immediately. At Ujala, your doctor will ensure that you are in sound health before recommending a nutritionist who will help you improve your weight during pregnancy. Here is what you can do by yourself.

    • Follow a diet that is rich in nutrients.

    It is common for pregnant women to lose interest in food. But remember, it is vital to choose a diet that is rich in nutrition for your baby’s health. If you have lost your appetite, try consuming small quantities of food high in protein, fibres, and healthy fat. Some of the best nutrient-rich food include:

    1. Avocados
    2. Beans
    3. Brown rice 
    4. Cheese
    5. Dried fruit
    6. Eggs
    7. Fatty fish (like salmon)
    8. Lean meat or poultry
    9. Nut butter
    10. Nuts 
    11. Oatmeal
    12. Olive oil
    13. Peas
    14. Plain Greek yoghurt
    15. Whole-grain bread, pasta and cereal
    • Don’t forget to add protein and calories.

    While most people avoid calories, a pregnant woman must consume them to gain weight. You can include butter, cheese, cream cheese, eggs, olive oil, powdered milk, or sour cream in your diet. Talk to your nutritionist at Ujala to make sure you get the right amount of protein and calories.

    • Eat strategically

    When you are pregnant, it is vital to eat strategically to provide the required nutrition for your baby, and you need to gain weight and stay healthy. Eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated, and taking folic acid supplements can reduce the risk of congenital disabilities. While salads and water are essential, save them for after your big meal.

    • Say no to junk food

    While it is easy to gain weight by consuming junk food, a pregnant woman requires more nutrition than a non-pregnant woman. Binging on junk food does not provide the nutrition that you and your baby need.

    • Don’t skip meals

    Feeling nauseous is a part of being pregnant. But do not let feeling nauseous dictate eating habits. Make sure that you don’t skip meals. You must eat three small meals a day in addition to six small bite-sized snacks. Consuming smaller and frequent meals can help combat nausea.

    • Compensate for the exercise you do

    Exercise during pregnancy is the best way to stay healthy. But don’t forget to compensate for the exercise you do. Make sure to eat enough to reach your calorie goals. It is ideal to eat nutrient-dense snacks close to your workout time.

    With these tips to depend on, you can gain the right amount of healthy weight for you and your baby. But it is recommended to follow the meal plan as prescribed by your nutritionist as your meal plan is based on your weight and health.

    When Should I See A Doctor?

    If you are experiencing no weight gain in pregnancy, diet and lifestyle change may help you immensely. But at times, conditions such as hyperemesis gravidarum can pose a threat. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition where pregnant women experience continuous nausea and vomiting. 

    The condition keeps you from gaining weight, and your baby will fail in getting the required vital nutrients. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe condition that needs immediate attention. The condition can lead to dehydration and be a problem for you and your baby. 

    The signs and symptoms include failing to gain weight and not being able to keep food, water, and other liquids down. If you are experiencing the symptoms, visit your doctor at Ujala.

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