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How To Reduce Stomach Heat

How To Reduce Stomach Heat

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stomach heat

    Stomach heat upsets your stomach and causes inflammation. You may face challenges while dealing with this common digestive problem. It may be caused by sedentary lifestyle choices or irregular eating. In addition to inflammation, you may also experience stomach aches. Sometimes, the stomach ache is accompanied by other symptoms. 

    Stomach heat develops as a result of faster digestion. Before understanding how to reduce stomach heat, it is essential to know its causes. It may be caused by the factors mentioned below:

    • Gastritis

    How to decrease stomach heat? One way to control stomach heat is to treat gastritis. It affects the stomach lining and causes inflammation. Gastritis can also lead to vomiting, nausea, and feeling full after eating. If the inflammation occurs frequently, it can cause stomach ulcers and bleeding. Untreated gastritis affects your health and may cause stomach cancer. 

    • Peptic ulcer

    In this condition, you may develop sores in the stomach. The sores develop on the stomach’s inner lining and the upper part of the small intestine. It can make you nauseous and bloated. Moreover, you may feel full after eating small meals. In addition, you may develop intolerance to certain foods. 

    • Irritable bowel syndrome

    Irritable bowel syndrome affects your intestine and stomach. In IBS, you develop constipation, nausea, diarrhoea, and pain in the abdomen. So one of the answers to ‘How to control stomach heat?’ is to ask your doctor to treat IBS to get relief from stomach heat. 

    • Indigestion

    It is a common digestive problem that hampers the standard digestion process. For example, during indigestion, you cannot digest the foods. As a result, you may feel pain in the upper abdomen. 

    • Acid reflux

    Usually, the stomach acids should move down your belly. However, in acid reflux, the acids move upward towards the oesophagus. The upward movement of stomach acid causes a burning sensation in the chest and stomach. In addition, it may also lead to chest pain and difficulty swallowing. 

    • Spicy foods

    If you love eating spicy foods, you may disturb your stomach health. Spicy foods can also lead to stomach heat and irritation in the stomach and the intestine lining. Moreover, it can trigger abdominal pain. If you develop stomach pain and need to understand how to control stomach heat, you can consider your meals and judge by what you have consumed. 

    • H. pylori infection

    It is a bacterial infection that causes stomach heat. So how to reduce stomach heat? First, you must visit a doctor to check the presence of H. pylori bacteria in your stomach lining, after which your doctor will help you fight the symptoms.

    • Medications 

    If you consume painkillers, you may develop stomach heat. It is because these pills can cause gastrointestinal issues. 

    In addition to these digestive disorders and bacterial infections, you can harm your stomach lining by smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol. Moreover, overeating and late-night meals can also disturb your stomach health. So how to reduce stomach heat? You can reduce the frequency of this disorder by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing specific digestive diseases. 

    What are the symptoms of stomach heat?

    Stomach heat causes a burning sensation in your gut by drying the stomach fluids. As a result, you develop dry mouth, constipation, and dehydration. Chronic stomach heat can also lead to throat soreness. Moreover, you may lose interest in drinking beverages. It also affects your appetite, and you may feel full after eating small meals. As the quantity of stomach acids decline, your digestive system does not work adequately. 

    As stomach heat burns up the energy and fastens digestion, you often feel hungry. Moreover, it can also cause gum problems and bad breath. 

    How to control stomach heat?

    If you want to control stomach heat, the best method is to stop consuming hot foods and drinks. As the stomach becomes acidic and harms its lining, it is essential to cool it down before consuming. In addition, you may follow these home remedies to provide relief to the burning stomach. 

    • Banana

    Bananas manage the acids in the stomach and provide relief from the burning sensation. If you want to keep your belly cool, you must eat bananas. How to control the heat in the stomach with a banana? Simple! Just eat a ripe banana or drink a banana shake. 

    • Almond

    You can eat soaked almonds to control stomach heat. It is an incredible home remedy that provides relief from abdominal discomfort. You can eat almonds with milk for breakfast. Moreover, you can also use it to garnish cereals. 

    • Boiled rice

    Rice provides a soothing effect to the stomach. Moreover, it also enhances the water content in the stomach. You can mix curd and rice and eat it to calm the stomach heat. Try not to add spices as they can irritate the stomach lining. 

    • Cucumber

    Cucumber contains 95% of water. As it is mainly made of water, it can control stomach irritation. In addition, it soothes the stomach lining and provides a calming effect. If you think of ways to control stomach inflammation or wonder how to decrease stomach heat, you may try eating cucumbers. 

    • Avocado

    Avocados are highly nutritious and easy to digest. Moreover, this fruit naturally controls stomach burns. You may try avocado juice to soothe inflammation and pain.  

    • Fennel seeds

    Fennel is an excellent remedy for digestive health. You can chew the seeds or make fennel tea to improve digestion and enhance the secretion of digestive enzymes. You may eat fennel seeds after every meal. In addition, you may try cumin seeds to get the same benefits. 

    • Yoghurt

    Yoghurt is probiotic and essential for gut health. It reduces the inflammation and pain caused by stomach heat. You can try low-fat fresh yoghurt to get the most benefits. 

    • Cabbage juice

    You can extract cabbage juice and have it regularly for improved stomach health. It not only promotes weight loss but also controls excess stomach acids. 

    • Breathing exercise 

    Deep breathing exercises can control stomach heat. First, try to fill your stomach with deep breaths. Now, try to breathe with your gut. Breathing exercises can reduce heartburn and stomach issues. If you are ever caught in a dilemma trying to understand how to control the heat in the stomach, try breathing exercises. 

    You may try these home remedies and consume more cold foods to control stomach acid and heat. Moreover, meet a doctor to know how to control the heat in the stomach. Alternatively, you may visit Ujala Cygnus Central Hospital to understand how to decrease stomach heat. 

    For free teleconsultation with our doctor, call us at 88569-88569 or fill the form to share your problem.

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