The Delta variant of coronavirus caused havoc in healthcare. The new variant increased the number of active cases and led to fungal infections in post-COVID patients. In addition, yellow, white, black, and green fungus affected many people.
Let us understand what a green fungus is and how you can protect yourself from this deadly infection.
What is green fungus?
Green fungus disease is caused by Aspergillus, which belongs to the mould category. These fungi can be found on decaying organic matter and insulation ducts. The fungus is widely present in nature, and you can come in close contact with them. Many times, you may inhale them without knowing their presence. However, you may not fall sick because of your strong immunity. If your immunity is compromised, you may get affected by green fungus disease.
What are the types of green fungus?
Green fungus infection is caused by the following types of green fungus:
- Pulmonary Aspergillosis
These fungi can cause asthma-like symptoms. In addition, you may face difficulty breathing after inhaling the spores. Another form of pulmonary aspergillosis is chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis. It is already present in your lungs and creates cavities inside the lungs. Moreover, it can expand the existing holes caused by other lung diseases.
- Allergic Aspergillus Sinusitis
It affects the sinuses and causes inflammation.
- Aspergilloma
It is a fungal ball that harms the lungs and the sinuses. A fungal ball contains fungal fibres, mucus, inflammatory cells, fibrin, and tissue debris.
- Invasive Aspergilloma
It may cause multiple organ failures and affects people with weak immunity.
- Cutaneous Aspergilloma
It affects people who have open wounds or if their skin is exposed after surgery. Moreover, the infection can spread to the skin from other body parts.
- Other
Ocular Aspergillosis and Gastrointestinal Aspergillosis are other green fungus infections that can harm different organs. These may cause ear infections and brain abscesses.
Green fungus infection can damage the major organs of your body. Therefore, it is essential to diagnose the symptoms of green fungus to get the right treatment.
What are the causes and risk factors of green fungus?
If your immunity is weak, you may become susceptible to green fungus infection. Moreover, steroid usage for prolonged periods can also make you prone to green fungus disease. In addition, if you have a lung disease, you may get affected by this infection.
Other high-risk groups include people undergoing cancer treatment like chemo and radiation therapy. Moreover, long term use of immunosuppressant medicines can also cause green fungal infection.
What are the symptoms of green fungus?
The symptoms of green fungal infection vary according to the type of fungus. However, the common symptoms include:
- Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
The common symptoms include cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
- Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis
You may experience cough, shortness of breath, weakness, weight loss, and coughing up blood.
- Allergic Aspergillus Sinusitis
In this fungal infection, you develop a runny and stuffy nose, headaches, and reduced smell.
- Fungal ball
It leads to cough, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood.
- Invasive Aspergillosis
Symptoms may include high fever, nose bleeding, shortness of breath, and weight loss.
These are the typical green fungus symptoms. If you notice any of these symptoms, you must visit a nearby hospital.
How to diagnose green fungus?
If clinical examinations suspect a green fungal infection, you may need various diagnostic tests. Some diagnostic tests to detect green fungal infection include:
- Histopathology
Medical experts collect a sample from your respiratory tract. They may either examine the sputum or perform a bronchoalveolar lavage. Moreover, they may conduct a lung biopsy to confirm the case.
- Antigen and antibody detection
A medical expert will check your blood samples to detect antigens and antibodies.
- Radiology
Chest radiograph and CT scan are used to look at the cavities in your lungs. These tests present a clear picture of your lungs to diagnose any abnormalities. Green fungus infection symptoms are easily diagnosed through radiology.
- IgE titres
If fungal diseases cause an allergic reaction, it can be shown through IgE titres. The responses may elevate the IgE levels in the blood.
These tests can quickly diagnose green fungus infection symptoms. However, you may need to be admitted into a hospital for proper treatment.
How to treat green fungus?
Your doctor may advise you to take antifungal medications to treat green fungus infection symptoms. However, if you have developed a fungal ball in your lungs or sinuses, the doctor may remove it surgically. Moreover, if you are diagnosed with Invasive Aspergillosis, the doctor may reduce the doses of immunosuppressant medicines.
As we know that green fungus infection symptoms vary, green fungus treatment must focus on containing the symptoms and providing relief from the infection.
How to prevent green fungus infection?
Green fungi do not get transmitted from one person to another. But you can inhale the spores present in the air and your surroundings. Therefore, it is essential to take necessary precautions. You can try these tips to prevent the infection:
- You must maintain good hygiene to prevent green fungus symptoms. It is essential to maintain proper physical and oral hygiene.
- Try to avoid contaminated water, soil, dust and dirt. You must not go close to the susceptible areas as the green fungus grows on decaying organic matter.
- Use a face mask and nasal spray when visiting an open area covered with dust and soil.
- If you are exposed to a contaminated area, you must wash your hands, face, and feet thoroughly after getting back home.
- If you like gardening, try to cover your face and hands while taking care of your plants. You may wear full-sleeved shirts, long pants, and proper shoes to protect yourself.
- Focus on building your immunity to fight green fungus symptoms. You may do so with the right exercise and proper foods.
These tips may prevent you from green fungus. However, if you want to know more about green fungus infection symptoms or would want to undergo green fungus treatment, you may contact Ujala Cygnus Central Hospital.
For free teleconsultation with our doctor, call us at 88569-88569 or fill the form to share your problem.