A little human who is the reflection of love and promises is a dream every couple cherish. Some are blessed to enjoy parenthood soon while some go through uncertainties.
What Are The Pregnancy Chances For First-time Sex?
Pregnancy chances the first time one has sex is possible. It is also possible that it can take years for a couple to get pregnant. It isn’t a black and white scenario.
There is a 30% pregnancy chance when the couple has unprotected sex in t he first month of trying. Also, there is a chance that couples who don’t have fertility issues can get pregnant by the end of the first year.
Here, you will read about how pregnancy can take the sweet time of its own. It may be due to fertility issues or other reasons like stress.
- Not pregnant within the year: According to research, many couples get pregnant with the first year of trying. Infertility affects pregnancy chances and is categorised based on age and is assessed.
● If you are 35 and below, and not pregnant within the first year, infertility is cited.
● If you are 35 and above and not pregnant within the first six months of trying, infertility is the reason.
● Couples with no fertility issues have a 95%, 90%, and 75% chance of getting pregnant after 2-, 1-year and six months of trying, respectively.
How Long Does One Have To Wait To Get Pregnant?
A time frame concerning pregnancy varies between people. For some, pregnancy occurs within the first couple of month if they have unprotected sex. Others who have trouble getting pregnant after a year of unprotected sex need fertility experts to look over there case. One out of eight people between the ages of 15 to 44 years have difficulty getting pregnant or
carrying the pregnancy to term. They should seek a doctor’s advice in these situations.
The rate of first-time sex pregnancy chances is 30% in people who had unprotected sex, but this cannot be taken as a standard.
Reasons Behind Delayed Conception:
After first-time sex, pregnancy chances cannot be assessed unless the period for that month has been missed, and the pregnancy test comes in positive.
There are several reasons why people don’t conceive within the one year of trying and are listed below:
- Sperm health
- Ovulation problems
- Age
- Uterus shape
- Blockage in the fallopian tubes
- Unexplained fertility
The quality and quantity of the female egg is also assessed to evaluate the reason behind delayed conception.
People who thought that first-time sex results in pregnancy chances are in for a surprise- Not many couples conceive it.
Tips To Improve Chances Of Conception:
After first time sex, pregnancy chances cannot be guaranteed, but the below tips might help in conception sooner than later:
- Maintain a healthy BMI
- Healthy diet
- Prenatal vitamins for fetal development
- Track ovulation and period
- Get tested for Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Take a PAP smear
- Quit smoking
- Talk to your doctor about the medications currently used by you.
- Avoid heat and toxic substances.
- Time your sexual intercourse around the ovulation days which will start on day 10 of the
egg cycle.
People with regular menstrual cycles will have high pregnancy chances compared to those who have irregular menstrual cycles. People with irregular periods do not ovulate every month hence the delay in conception.
Types of fertility treatments:
There are many fertility tests which evaluate the reproductive health of the person in question,
and these include:
● Ovarian function test
● Thyroid test
● Overall health assessment
● Hormonal balance test
● Prolactin test
● Metabolic testing
● Ultrasound examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes
● Anti-mullerian hormone test
● Sperm quality and quantity test
Low-cost treatments suggested by the doctor include:
● Losing or putting on weight
● Ovulation induction medications
● Intrauterine inseminations
● Superovulation treatments
Other high-cost fertility treatments include:
● Surgical correction of reproductive organs
● Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
● In vitro fertilisation
When to approach a doctor for consultations?
● After one year for people below 35 years
● After six months for people above 35 years
Fertility specialists could be consulted sooner if they were already taking fertility medications or
advice but still haven’t conceived.
Doctors and fertility experts can help identify the cause of delay in conception. Fertility issues
cause stress in personal life and impact overall health if conception delay is due to hormones.
Underlying health concerns can also affect the chances of pregnancy. Options for fertility
treatments will also be discussed.
One should know that every other person will have a different experience when it comes to
pregnancy. For some conception takes time while for some, it just takes a matter of minutes.
Also, trying to conceive should not fuss over every small thing and remain as stress-free as
Tracking their ovulation cycle, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a healthy diet are
factors which will work in favour of conception. Intake of iron-rich food is also a plus. If the
person is