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Are You Aware About Diet For Anaemia In Pregnancy

Are You Aware About Diet For Anaemia In Pregnancy

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    The Iron diet for Anaemia in pregnancy plays a vital role throughout the gestation period. Without ample iron, our body cannot make sufficient haemoglobin. A pregnant woman needs twice the amount of iron as it usually does. Anaemia during pregnancy occurs when the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells, and the blood becomes incapable of carrying adequate oxygen. 

    Mild Anaemia is common during pregnancy, but a proper diet plan is required when it turns severe. A diet plan for iron deficiency anaemia needs to include a healthy balance, and it consists of both heme and non-heme iron-rich foods, such as meat and poultry, seafood, iron-rich vegetables, nuts and seeds, and beans.

    How the body utilizes Iron From Iron-Rich Foods?

    Let me tell you that iron-rich food gets easily absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine. Many of us may not know that dietary iron consists of heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is derived from haemoglobin, and our body soaks iron mostly from heme origins. Heme iron is found in fish, red meats, and poultry, whereas non-heme iron is predominantly seen in plant sources. Heme and non-heme iron blend are present in meat, seafood, and chicken. 

    You should be aware of the standard requirement your body needs during pregnancy, as an excess of iron can induce iron toxicity. Consult with your doctor or go to a dietician if required and get yourself a suitable diet chart. No one food can cure Anaemia, but the proper diet can benefit greatly. Anaemia should not pose a problem anymore.

    Diet for Anemia in Gestation

    A diet rich in folate, vitamin B12 and iron is necessary to increase haemoglobin levels rapidly. Folate is naturally present in-

    • Spinach
    • Cabbage
    • Yeast
    • Nuts
    • Fruits

    Vitamin B12 is solely present in edibles of animal origin like

    meat, liver, eggs, and dairy products. Serving red meat once a day will rapidly raise haemoglobin levels. The recommended dietary allocation (RDA) of iron during pregnancy is 30 mg. Here are some foods rich in iron.

    List of Foods that furnish 0.5-1.5mg of iron

    • Chicken, 3 ounces
    • Green peas, 1/2 cup
    • Tomato juice, 6 ounces
    • Broccoli, 1/2 cup
    • Brussels sprouts, 1/2 cup cooked
    • Whole wheat bread, one slice
    • Dried apricots, five halves
    • Raspberries, 1 cup
    • Strawberries, 1 cup


    A healthy pregnancy is possible without introducing meat to your meal plan. Looking at the fact that the body engrosses animal sources of iron more satisfactorily than plant sources, still, you don’t need to eat meat to increase your iron intake. There are numerous vegetarian iron-rich foods. Foods including wheat germ are also a good option, and eating meals high in vitamin C like citrus, strawberries, bell peppers helps to improve the absorption of non-heme iron.

    Consuming fruits like oranges or counting tomatoes into your meals more often is suggested. Yet, it would be best if you avoided large quantities of calcium with high-iron foods or when taking iron supplements because it can reduce absorption.

    Frequently Asked Question ( FAQs) 

    What Should Pregnant women with Anaemia Eat?

    Women with Anaemia should start eating red meat, dark green vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and eggs. 

    What should you keep in mind to maintain an iron deficiency? 

    Make sure the iron intake during pregnancy should be 27 mg per day. Along with apple, lemon and grapes, citrus fruit like oranges, amla and India mulberry help attract iron.

    Which fruit has maximum iron? 

    Prune juice, olive, and mulberries are the three types of fruit with very high levels of iron portion. 

    Ujala Cygnus Healthcare Group has 16 hospitals. Kanpur, Rewari, Kashipur, Varanasi, Sonepat, Panipat, Kurukshetra, Nangloi in Delhi, Rama Vihar in Delhi, Kaithal, Bahadurgarh, Karnal, Moradabad, Haldwani, and Agra. 

    You can book an appointment at your nearest Ujala Cygnus Hospital for any health issue treatment. For any query, you can give a missed call on 88569-88569 and get a free consultation over the phone.

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