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Can PCOD be cured?

Can PCOD be cured?

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can PCOD cured permanently

    PCOD or Polycystic ovary disease is a hereditary and biological factor-based disease that affects almost 5 -10% of women between the age of 12 – 45. Ovaries are designed to make a small number of male hormones and female sex hormones to regulate eggs development in women. One or more eggs are released from egg-filled sacs in ovaries called the follicles during each menstrual cycle.

    More androgens are produced in women with PCOD, causing an imbalance of sex hormones, and the eggs, instead of getting released, form a cyst within the ovaries. Most of the women diagnosed with PCOD have one question in mind above all, can PCOD be cured permanently? Most women suffering from it seek an answer to whether the “is PCOD problem curable or not?

    But First, Let Us Talk About The Symptoms Of PCOD-

    • Pimples
    • Excess facial and body hair that is thick and dark, especially on the chest, belly and back
    • Hair on the scalp get thinner
    • Difficulty in losing weight
    • Sudden weight gain
    • Irregular periods or sometimes even no periods. While some women may have no bleeding, others may experience excessive bleeding
    • Fertility problems or trouble getting pregnant
    • Depression
    • Under rare circumstances, PCOD can cause issues like diabetes, heart disease and obesity

    Based on the symptoms, the extent to which the PCOD can be cured is determined. Before we go towards whether PCOD can be cured or not, let us see what causes it in the first place.

    What Are The Causes Of PCOD?

    Firstly, talking about hereditary factors, it is seen that diseases pass on in an autosomal prominence pattern. They have a varied expressivity in women. Each kid has a 50% risk of getting genetic diseases from both the mother and the father, whereas the son might be asymptomatic, a daughter might show the symptoms of PCOD. The hereditary transmission is based on the evidence that includes familial clustering of diseases and heritability of endocrine and metabolic attributes of PCOD.

    Environmental factors like prenatal period, ecological effects, growing obesity and epigenetic factors also cause PCOD. Usually, a pelvic ultrasound helps in diagnosing and determining how PCOD can be cured. But it is essential to know that polycystic ovaries are not seen in everyone who has PCOD, or not everyone with polycystic ovaries will have PCOD. To what extent the PCOD problem is curable or not depends on why it occurred and how it progressed. 

    Now addressing the most crucial question, Can PCOD be cured permanently? Often the question that a doctor gets asked by the women diagnosed with PCOD is whether PCOD is curable or not? 

    Following treatment can help you understand how PCOD can be cured to a limit-

    Usually, the treatment plan focuses on treating individual issues rather than focusing on healing PCOD as a whole. The treatment plan involves 

    • Blood sugar levels should be lowered and kept in check regularly
    • Infertility must be addressed to restore fertility
    • Hirsutism and acne treatment
    • Getting your menstrual cycle back to normal
    • Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer
    • Diabetes prevention or management by keeping weight in check

    If someone says PCOD can be cured completely, then it’s a false statement. Medicines cannot cure PCOD permanently, but the following medications are used to make it manageable-

    • Progesterone and birth control pills help to make your periods more regular.
    • Drugs that increase the body’s sensitivity towards insulin helps with the symptoms of PCOD, making periods regular and, in some cases, with weight loss.
    • Medicines that produce the eggs in ovaries mature and get released to promote fertility in women. 
    • Anti-androgen medication to help with hair growth issues.
    • Laser hair removal is expensive, and multiple treatments are needed.
    • Polycystic ovaries are treated using a laparoscopic procedure known as ovarian drilling.

    Is There A Cure For PCOD?

    Unfortunately, there is not a complete cure for PCOD, but there are facilities to manage it. However, there is another concern of infertility in women that must be addressed. In women with excess weight, weight loss and alterations in diet may be enough to promote ovulation. Certain medicines stimulate ovulation and increase fertility for women who show irregular ovulation even after weight loss. 

    There is no need to worry if the medicines don’t work; there are still other options that can help you get pregnant. Assisted reproductive technological processes like follicle-stimulating hormone injections, Vitro fertilization, IVF and controlled ovarian hyperstimulation can be used. 

    Surgical methods are not used, but the laparoscopic procedure of ovarian drilling, as mentioned before, is done, leading to the expected resumption of the ovulation process in some women. So be assured that despite having PCOD, you can have a normal pregnancy with appropriate surgical and medical treatments. 

    PCOD Diet!

    Sometimes women can experience PCOD along with other problems such as diabetes and obesity. In these scenarios, adequate food intake and proper weight management play a vital role. Women have a very drastic opinion on achieving and maintaining a certain weight and find it challenging. 

    However, a diet plan which provides you with your requirements and not more is necessary. A plan wherein overall carbs are acquired partly from vegetables, fresh fruits and whole-grain resources has resulted in more regular menstrual cycles. So following a diet, maintaining the weight and controlling the food intake can help efficiently deal with PCOD and even other conditions. 

    Complications Due To PCOD-

    Not everyone with PCOD will develop the complications, but like any other disease, there are some risks associated with it that include-

    • Infertility
    • Obesity or being overweight can cause high blood pressure, heart conditions and diabetes.
    • Higher risk of breast cancer.
    • Increased risk of endometrial cancer.

    Even though the answer to, ‘Can PCOD be cured permanently?’ Remains ‘No’, women suffering through PCOD should stay positive and strong. Medical science is progressing rapidly, and there are various options available to help you cope with the symptoms you might experience. 

    It is essential that the patient doesn’t get scared and give up all hopes. With proper medical planning and lifestyle alterations, you can live as normally as any other woman outside. Women concerned about infertility and having acute PCOD prognosis have different ways, including IVF, to conceive and enjoy motherhood. Can we cure PCOD? No! But we can manage it to give every woman a healthy and happy life. 

    Environmental factors like prenatal period, ecological effects, growing obesity and epigenetic factors also cause PCOD. Usually, a pelvic ultrasound helps in diagnosing and determining how PCOD can be cured. But it is essential to know that polycystic ovaries are not seen in everyone who has PCOD, or not everyone with polycystic ovaries will have PCOD. To what extent the PCOD problem is curable or not depends on why it occurred and how it progressed. 

    Now addressing the most crucial question, Can PCOD be cured permanently? Often the question that a doctor gets asked by the women diagnosed with PCOD is whether PCOD is curable or not? 

    Following treatment can help you understand how PCOD can be cured to a limit-

    Usually, the treatment plan focuses on treating individual issues rather than focusing on healing PCOD as a whole. The treatment plan involves 

    • Blood sugar levels should be lowered and kept in check regularly
    • Infertility must be addressed to restore fertility
    • Hirsutism and acne treatment
    • Getting your menstrual cycle back to normal
    • Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer
    • Diabetes prevention or management by keeping weight in check

    If someone says PCOD can be cured completely, then it’s a false statement. Medicines cannot cure PCOD permanently, but the following medications are used to make it manageable-

    • Progesterone and birth control pills help to make your periods more regular.
    • Drugs that increase the body’s sensitivity towards insulin helps with the symptoms of PCOD, making periods regular and, in some cases, with weight loss.
    • Medicines that produce the eggs in ovaries mature and get released to promote fertility in women. 
    • Anti-androgen medication to help with hair growth issues.
    • Laser hair removal is expensive, and multiple treatments are needed.
    • Polycystic ovaries are treated using a laparoscopic procedure known as ovarian drilling.

    Is There A Cure For PCOD?

    Unfortunately, there is not a complete cure for PCOD, but there are facilities to manage it. However, there is another concern of infertility in women that must be addressed. In women with excess weight, weight loss and alterations in diet may be enough to promote ovulation. Certain medicines stimulate ovulation and increase fertility for women who show irregular ovulation even after weight loss. 

    There is no need to worry if the medicines don’t work; there are still other options that can help you get pregnant. Assisted reproductive technological processes like follicle-stimulating hormone injections, Vitro fertilization, IVF and controlled ovarian hyperstimulation can be used. 

    Surgical methods are not used, but the laparoscopic procedure of ovarian drilling, as mentioned before, is done, leading to the expected resumption of the ovulation process in some women. So be assured that despite having PCOD, you can have a normal pregnancy with appropriate surgical and medical treatments. 

    PCOD Diet!

    Sometimes women can experience PCOD along with other problems such as diabetes and obesity. In these scenarios, adequate food intake and proper weight management play a vital role. Women have a very drastic opinion on achieving and maintaining a certain weight and find it challenging. 

    However, a diet plan which provides you with your requirements and not more is necessary. A plan wherein overall carbs are acquired partly from vegetables, fresh fruits and whole-grain resources has resulted in more regular menstrual cycles. So following a diet, maintaining the weight and controlling the food intake can help efficiently deal with PCOD and even other conditions. 

    Complications Due To PCOD-

    Not everyone with PCOD will develop the complications, but like any other disease, there are some risks associated with it that include-

    • Infertility
    • Obesity or being overweight can cause high blood pressure, heart conditions and diabetes.
    • Higher risk of breast cancer.
    • Increased risk of endometrial cancer.

    Even though the answer to, ‘Can PCOD be cured permanently?’ Remains ‘No’, women suffering through PCOD should stay positive and strong. Medical science is progressing rapidly, and there are various options available to help you cope with the symptoms you might experience. 

    It is essential that the patient doesn’t get scared and give up all hopes. With proper medical planning and lifestyle alterations, you can live as normally as any other woman outside. Women concerned about infertility and having acute PCOD prognosis have different ways, including IVF, to conceive and enjoy motherhood. Can we cure PCOD? No! But we can manage it to give every woman a healthy and happy life. 

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