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Why Is My Baby’s Head Hot But Body Cold

Why Is My Baby’s Head Hot But Body Cold

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Baby's Head Hot

    People, especially those who have become parents recently, tend to worry about everything bothering their child’s health. If parents find out that their baby’s head is hot and the body is of normal temperature, they are naturally concerned. It is normal for them to wonder, “why is my baby’s head hot but body cold?” 

    A baby’s head may feel hot despite the child being healthy and active, without any signs of illness. If you consult a paediatrician, they will tell you not to panic. However, it is also not a situation to overlook and should be taken care of as soon as possible. 

    Unlike adults, small babies are mostly not able to regulate their body temperature at 37 degrees celsius. It happens because their system of thermoregulation is not yet developed properly. As a result, babies do not have enough fat in their bodies and have more water. Their skin also does not contain enough sweat glands. These factors contribute to making their bodies hot and cold quicker than adults. Therefore the body temperature ranges around 36.5-37 degrees celsius. That is why any kind of source of heat or cold near the body will affect their body temperature. 

    Reasons why a baby’s head get hot

    Generally, a baby’s head feels warmer than the body temperature because their thermoregulation system is not properly developed. Thermoregulation is the phenomenon of regulating the internal temperature of the body. 

    Here are some reasons that answer “why is my baby’s head hot but body cold.

    Outside temperature- The temperature outside plays an important role in affecting the baby’s body temperature. Babies can have warmer heads than their bodies if exposed to sunlight for a prolonged period. It can also happen if you suddenly take the baby out of an air-conditioned room to a warm room. 

    Too many clothes- Small babies lose their body heat through their heads. If you make your baby wear excess clothes, the heat gets trapped inside and makes their body warmer. The excess heat tries to escape through their head, making the head warmer than the rest of the body. The condition is also known as “hot head.” If you cover your baby with warm clothes during winter, the body temperature will be warmer. This does not mean that the baby might have a fever; just the head will be hot. 

    Teething-   Teething is one of the most common reasons why babies have warmer heads compared to the rest of the body temperature. Teething can start within two months, but sometimes it does not occur before six months. Consequences of teething like anxiety, irritation or stress faced by the baby can make their head warmer than the body temperature. If the head feels hot, it does not always mean the baby has a fever. 

    The baby is excited- Sometimes, your baby can be very excited and cheerful and might feel the urge to explore their surroundings. They may become very active and tend to move around a lot. It can result in an increase in the body’s temperature due to increased blood circulation. The phenomenon is very similar to what adults experience while exercising. The baby might have a warmer head than the rest of its body. 

    Positioning of the baby- If the baby happens to sleep on their crib or bed for a prolonged period, then the temperature of their head can be warmer than the rest of the body. It can result from increased blood circulation to the head if the baby is sleeping in a particular position. 

    Extreme Crying- If your baby happens to cry excessively, then it might result in increased temperature. It causes the baby to have a hothead. Despite your baby crying for problems like colic pain, which are not that serious, you should always get them checked by a doctor. Any problem like irritation or fever that makes the baby cry should be addressed as soon as possible. 

    If you wonder why my baby’s head is hot but body cold, you should consult a doctor to be sure and get clarity of the situation. You may visit Ujala Cygnus hospital for a quick check-up of your baby. 

    What are the measures to take if you notice your baby’s head is hot without having a fever?

    If you wonder why your baby’s head is hot but body cold, then there is nothing to panic about. You do not need to get them to a doctor immediately. However, there are some steps you can take to cool down the temperature of your baby’s head: 

    • Make sure that your baby is in a cool environment. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or extreme weather conditions. If you plan to take your baby out for a walk, then the best time to do so is in the morning (6-9 p.m.) or evening (after 4:30). 
    • You should make your baby wear cotton clothes. Even during winters, do not make the baby wear extra clothes. Increase or decrease the layers of clothes according to the temperature. 
    • Make sure to not put your baby in the bed or crib for a prolonged period. Take them out or make them move and change their positions frequently. 
    • See to the fact that your baby’s room is properly and adequately ventilated. 
    • If you notice that your baby is getting too excited, try to calm them down by humming a lullaby, reading or talking in a soothing voice. You should take the baby in your arms and hold them close to you. Cuddle them gently. 
    • To soothe the teething process, you can use paracetamol syrup or teething gels. You can provide a teether to the baby if their head becomes sweaty and hot due to teething. A teether will make them comfortable.  

    Suppose you think about why my baby’s head is hot but body cold, you might take these steps to solve the situation. You can also connect to a doctor at Ujala Cygnus hospital for details and more information about the situation. 

    When To see the doctor if my baby’s head is hot?

    A warmer head of the baby is not a matter of concern and occurs mostly due to the underdeveloped thermoregulation system. However, you should consider seeing a doctor if :

    • Your baby is excessively distressed or uncomfortable. 
    • The baby has other symptoms of fever. 
    • The baby shows the possibility of dehydration. 
    • Your baby is under two years and feels excessively hot.
    • You have tried every step to fix the problem, but it is not working. 

    If such a situation arises, you can consult paediatricians or expert child specialists at Ujala Cygnus hospital

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