Vaccinations play a crucial role in preventing severe illnesses and infections in babies and adults. Vaccinations are given to mothers during pregnancy and to babies after birth.
Certain vaccines boost infants’ immunity and keep them safe from severe preventable infections. If you have recently delivered a baby, here is complete information on baby vaccination.
Don’t forget to read the blog till the last to download the vaccination chart for babies in India.
Importance of Baby Vaccination
WHO and Health Authorities recommend specific Vaccination for every child after birth. Here are why vaccines are essential for babies:
- Vaccines help babies prevent severe preventable infections like paralysis, amputation, hearing loss, etc.
- In some cases, children that aren’t vaccinated can spread the infection to other young children. It can put them at risk of several health issues.
- Illnesses like measles, whooping cough, or mumps can be life-threatening for children not vaccinated.
- The cost of vaccines is less than what it takes to treat that specific illness. It is right to say here that prevention is better than cure.
Apart from these reasons, every parent should focus on the baby’s vaccine schedule and get them vaccinated.
If you are pregnant, here’s a related blog: Important Pregnancy Vaccinations: Before, During, and After Conceiving
Let’s look at what vaccines are recommended and their role in a baby’s immunization.

List of Vaccines for Babies
- Hepatitis B Vaccine: Hep. B vaccine protects against hepatitis B virus that protects the Liver. The first dose is given at birth, while the second and third are given before the 2nd and 18th months, respectively.
- RV Vaccine: This vaccine protects against rotavirus resulting in dehydration and diarrhea. It is given in the 2nd, 4th, and 6th months after birth.
- Dtap: DTaP is a 3 in 1 vaccine that protects your baby from three severe viruses; diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. If infected, the diphtheria virus swells up the baby’s throat, tetanus tightens the muscles, and pertussis, whooping cough results in difficulty breathing. It is a series of 5 doses given between the 2nd month to 6 years after birth.
- Hib vaccine: It protects your baby against Haemophilus influenza type b, which can cause damage to the brain and spinal cord. A total of 4 doses are given between the 2nd month and the 12th month.
- Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13): This vaccine protects babies against streptococcus pneumonia, resulting in issues like pneumonia, meningitis, and ear infections. Its doses are given around the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 15th months after the baby’s birth.
- Polio Vaccine (IPV): It is an important vaccine that prevents the paralysis of an arm or the leg of babies. It is a series of four doses given between the 2nd month and four years after birth.
- Varicella vaccine: It protects your baby from the chickenpox virus and prevents infected blisters, encephalitis, bleeding disorders, etc. It is given between 12 and 15 months & 4 and 6 years.
- MMR Vaccine: It is a combo vaccine that prevents measles, mumps, and rubella. These viruses can cause rashes, brain swelling, swollen salivary glands, etc. It is given between 12 to 15 months and four to six years after birth.
- Influenza: A flu vaccine is advised to be given yearly to prevent flu infections. It protects from pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infections, sinus infections, etc.
- HepA Vaccine: It prevents hepatitis A virus that can cause liver failure, joint pain, blood disorders, kidney, pancreatic, etc. Your baby will receive his first dose between 12 months to 23 months, while the second dose is given between 6 months to 18 months after the first one.
You can also read our related blog: Why Is My Baby’s Head Hot But Body Cold
Vaccination Chart for Babies in India
Apart from the following vaccines, babies should get some other vaccines later in life. Please consult an expert to know about such vaccines.
For your reference, here’s a chart you can download and refer to:

If you are pregnant, don’t forget to take important vaccinations before and during pregnancy. However, if you have recently delivered a baby, refer to the above vaccination chart and don’t miss a single vaccine dose.
If you have any other queries or confusion, you can get them answered by calling our experts for free at 88569-88569.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Which vaccine is best for a baby?
All the recommended vaccines for babies are safe and best. Every vaccination type has its own series of doses that should be given according to the baby’s age. You can download and refer to the attached vaccination chart to stay updated. You can also talk to our experts at 88569-88569 to know more about baby vaccination.
2. Are vaccines safe for two-month-old?
Vaccinations recommended by WHO are safe for both babies and adults. Some vaccines like hepatitis B are given at birth, which shows how crucial vaccines are to prevent certain illnesses. Don’t skip any vaccination dose for your baby. If you have any queries or confusion, talk to an expert instead.
3. How long Will the baby be sore after vaccinations?
A lot of parents are worried about the soreness at the vaccination site. However, common symptoms like redness, swelling, and pain appear within 24 hours of taking a shot. These symptoms usually last for 3 to 5 days but consult an expert immediately if they persist.
4. What are the vaccines given to a newborn baby?
The series of vaccination doses start from birth till the child is six years old. However, there are other vaccines that a baby should get later in life. All vaccinations for babies include hepatitis A, B, Polio, Chickenpox, Influenza, etc.
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You can book an appointment at your nearest Ujala Cygnus Hospital for any health issue treatment. For any query, you can give a missed call on 88569-88569 and get a free consultation over the phone.