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Do You Know About The Early Signs Of Pregnancy?

Do You Know About The Early Signs Of Pregnancy?

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Early signs of pregnancy

    The earliest signs of Pregnancy may not necessarily be only a missed period, and it may also include morning sickness, smell sensitivity and fatigue. With technology and rapid expansion in the medical field, there may be many new instruments to check early signs of pregnancy in the coming future. Still, the reliability lies more towards pregnancy test kits and ultrasound methods to confirm Pregnancy. 

    Time of Early Pregnancy Symptoms 

    The gynaecologist ensures the first week of Pregnancy based on the last date of the menstrual cycle. The last menstrual period is regarded as week 1 of Pregnancy, though you were not pregnant then. Based on your last menstrual period, the expected delivery date is calculated.

    Enlisting Pregnancy Symptoms

    The early signs of pregnancy include –

    • mild cramps
    • skipped period
    • exhaustion
    • nauseousness
    • tinkling or aching breasts
    • regular urination
    • bloating
    • motion sickness
    • mood swings
    • temperature changes

    Spotting During Early Pregnancy

    Cellular activities denote the first four weeks, and the fertilized egg develops into the fetus’s organs and body parts during this phase. In the fourth week from conception, slight bleeding may be mistaken for light periods. The slight bleeding is noticed around the time when you expect your periods. The bleeding may be pink, red, or brown, much less than your usual period, and may involve cramping. 

    Implantation bleeding lasts for less than three days and does not require a cure, and it can periodically last only a few hours. Women who experience implantation bleeding should avoid smoking, consuming alcohol, or using illegal drugs linked with heavy bleeding. You can opt for pregnancy testing, and if found positive, call a doctor to schedule your first prenatal appointment. 

    What is missed period during early Pregnancy?

    Upon implantation, the body starts making human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone allows the body to maintain pregnancy, and it also tells the ovaries to stop releasing mature eggs each month. Women who have an irregular period need to take a pregnancy test to confirm it. The home test kit detects hCG only eight days after the missed period. The pregnancy kit can detect hCG levels in your urine and show if you are pregnant.

    Different Impacts of Early Pregnancy

    There are various impacts seen in the early phase of pregnancy which impacts the body temperature, tiredness or exhaustion and in many cases increase in the heart rate activity. Some of them are discussed below –

    Increased body temperature during early Pregnancy

    There is an increased basal temperature which may be a sign of Pregnancy. The body’s overall temperature rises more rapidly with exercise or in a hot climate. Make sure you drink a lot of water and exercise cautiously during this time. 

    Exhaustion During Early Pregnancy

    The signs of fatigue develop more often anytime during Pregnancy, and this symptom is expected in early Pregnancy. Increased progesterone levels can make you feel sleepy.

    Increased Heart Rate During Early Pregnancy

    The heart starts pumping faster and harder between 8 to 10 weeks of Pregnancy. Increased palpitation is mainly due to hormones.

    Early transformations in breasts

    The breast also reflects vivid changes during the early pregnancy period, especially between weeks 4 and 6. Women develop tender and swollen breasts due to hormone changes, and this will likely go away after a few weeks when the body has adapted to the hormones. The Breast changes are also seen during the 11th week, and the hormones continue to grow the breast. Because of the increasing breast size areola, the area around the nipple becomes darker in colour and grow larger.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

    1.What are the early signs of Pregnancy?

    The early signs of Pregnancy include needing to pee more, being constipated, increased vaginal discharge without any soreness or irritation and feeling completely tired.

    2.When do pregnancy symptoms start?

    Talking about early pregnancy signs may be sensitivity to smell and tender breasts. The early signs of pregnancy might appear around one week after sperm meets egg.

    3.What are the risk associated with early pregnancy?

    Early delivery can raise stakes for newborns as well as young mothers. Women who opt to be mothers under 20 years of age have more elevated risks of low birth weight and severe neonatal conditions.

    Ujala Cygnus Healthcare Group has 16 hospitals. Kanpur, Rewari, Kashipur, Varanasi, Sonepat, Panipat, Kurukshetra, Nangloi in Delhi, Rama Vihar in Delhi, Kaithal, Bahadurgarh, Karnal, Moradabad, Haldwani, and Agra. 

    You can book an appointment at your nearest Ujala Cygnus Hospital for any health issue treatment. For any query, you can give a missed call on 88569-88569 and get a free consultation over the phone.

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