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Are You Aware Of White Discharge In Women?

Are You Aware Of White Discharge In Women?

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White discharge

    White discharge starts at the beginning and end of menstruation. The discharge is a regular feature of the menstrual cycle and occurs in every female. Its colour and texture keep changing throughout the month, and it usually is thick or thin odourless mucus. The colour may vary from white to clear to brown.

    The Role Of Hormones In Vaginal Discharge 

    The discharge colour variation is related to the hormones and changes in the body. The normal vaginal discharge constitutes fluid and bacteria and is also known as leukorrhea.

    The discharge before a period is cloudy to white, which occurs due to the increased presence of progesterone hormone. The hormone plays a significant role in both the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. On the other hand, the discharge colour becomes clear and watery when the estrogen level is reported high. Such a type of discharge helps in lubrication and helps in eliminating bacteria from the vagina.

    When the discharge is thin and stretchy, mucus is fertile, as it occurs when the egg discharge. White, thick discharge is thought to be an infertile cervical mucus.

    What Causes White Vaginal discharge?

    Various factors affect the white discharge, and some are discussed below.

    Routine reproductive process

    A white discharge is visible at the beginning and end of menstruation. The average release is thin and stretchy and has no itching or odour reports.

    Birth control pills 

    When a female starts consuming birth control pills, it guides to more discharge, impacting the hormone levels. The increase is not standard on swallowing birth pills and is not a concern unless there are any other signs.

    Yeast infection

    Another factor that may impact the white discharge is the yeast infection, also known as candidiasis. Such disorders are reported among women, and the release becomes thick, white, and lumpy when impacted by yeast infection. The yeast infection has symptoms that include burning in and around the vaginal area.

    Bacterial vaginosis

    Bacterial vaginosis is more in women of childbearing age, and it causes a bacterial imbalance in the vagina. The discharge is usually greyish-white and has a fishy odour.

    Sexually transmitted infections

    Infections due to sexual encounters are sexually transmitted infections and occurs due to bacterias like chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and trichomoniasis. Chlamydia, a bacterial infection, shows overgrowth of Chlamydia trachomatis and varies from yellow to white. In contrast, trichomoniasis infections cause a fishy odour, yellow-green discharge, and itching.

    The Need For Medical Help

    Women who notice a different discharge pattern and specific signs as mentioned below should meet the doctor 

    • feverish
    • abdominal pain
    • sudden weight loss 
    • tiredness
    • additional urination

    White Vaginal Discharge Home Remedy

    To prevent infections:

    1. You should wear breathable cotton underwear and practice good hygiene
    2. Don’t use douches, as they can worsen discharge by removing beneficial bacteria.
    3. Use protection to avoid STIs.

    To decrease the probability of yeast conditions when taking antibiotics, eat curd that contains live and active cultures. When you are aware of yeast infection, you can also treat it with yeast infection creams available at medical shops.

    Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)

    1.At what age do girls start having discharges?

    The girls reach the puberty stage, which starts between the ages of 8 and 13. There may be instances wherein puberty is outside the time frame. Generally speaking, periods appear about a year after initial vaginal discharge, which often presents at a very young age.

    2.What are the discharge symptoms during pregnancy?

    The vaginal discharge rises in volume during early pregnancy and becomes thin, milky, and mild smelling. It is also known as leukorrhea and is seen in the first one or two weeks after conception. It is natural to see changes in the discharge during pregnancy as the release changes in texture, frequency, and quantity.

    3.Do young girls have white vaginal discharge?

    The white vaginal discharge starts about six months to one year before a girl gets her first period, and they usually release in small quantities until they near puberty. It varies in amount and color, ranging from transparent to yellowish or whitish. There’s no need for nervousness unless it has a remarkable consistency, color, or odor.

    Ujala Cygnus Healthcare Group has 16 hospitals. Kanpur, Rewari, Kashipur, Varanasi, Sonepat, Panipat, Kurukshetra, Nangloi in Delhi, Rama Vihar in Delhi, Kaithal, Bahadurgarh, Karnal, Moradabad, Haldwani, and Agra. 

    You can book an appointment at your nearest Ujala Cygnus Hospital for any health issue treatment. For any query, you can give a missed call on 88569-88569 and get a free consultation over the phone.

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