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The Basics of Hernia

The Basics of Hernia

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    A hernia is a condition in which a weak area in our muscle or tissue restrains a portion of an organ or fatty tissue. The most common types of hernias observed are inguinal, incisional, femoral hernias, umbilical hernias, and hiatal hernias.

    Types of Hernia 

    The most familiar forms of hernia are

    Inguinal hernia

     In men, the inguinal canal is a passageway for the spermatic cord and blood vessels that lead to the testicles. The patients are predominantly men who suffer from an inguinal hernia wherein fatty tissue or part of the intestine spurs into the groin at the top of the inner thigh.

    Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernias are much less common than inguinal hernias and mainly impact elderly women. In cases of femoral hernia, the fatty tissues or part of the intestine bulge into the groin at the top of the inner thigh. 

    Umbilical hernia 

    An umbilical hernia surfaces when a portion of the intestine bulges through the space in the abdominal tissues near the belly button. Umbilical hernias are frequent and mostly harmless. It affects the fatty tissue or part of the intestine that moves out of the belly near the navel.

    Hiatal Hernia 

    With hiatal hernia, part of the belly propels into the chest cavity through an outlet in the diaphragm.

    Symptoms of a Hernia

    A hernia can cause a noticeable lump or bulge. Symptoms of a hernia include:

    • Swelling in the scrotum 
    • Enhanced pain at the spot of the bulge.
    • Strain while lifting.
    • Raise in the bulge size.
    • A dull hurting sensation
    • A signal of bowel blockage

    Hernias: What Causes Them?

    Ultimately, all hernias occur because of a combination of pressure and weakness of muscle. This pressure forces an organ or tissue via the opening or vulnerable spot. Occasionally, the muscle frailty is present at birth and, more often, it turns out, later in life. Some frequent causes of muscle weakness or pressure that can contribute to a hernia include:

    • Childbirth is an ingrained condition that occurs during womb development and is present from childbirth.
    • aging
    • blow from an injury or surgery
    • exhausting exercise or raising heavyweights
    • A chronic cold
    • gestation, particularly having multiple pregnancies
    • constipation
    • being obese

    Home Remedies to Get Relief from Hernia

    1. Aloe vera

    Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and pacifying effects. It serves as a natural pain reliever when one is going through a hernia. For valid results, consume a glass of aloe vera juice. You can consume it empty stomach. Aloe vera is also good for treating hernias if consumed between meals. The liquid from aloe vera can also be applied to the affected part. 

    2.Taking short and light meals

    Transformations in the diet help get relief from hiatal hernia. It reduces the severity of the hernia. So if you are encountering a hiatal hernia, take small meals. 

    3. Ice bag

    With a hernia in the abdomen or groin, there can be redness, tenderness, and discomfort. And ice will help ease it. Using an ice pack on the afflicted area will reduce compaction, pain, and inflammation.

    4.Vegetable juice

    One of the practical ways to treat hernia is by sipping a glass of vegetable juice. Vegetable juice with a blend of carrots, broccoli, spinach, onions, and kale can be useful to furnish much-needed relaxation in a hernia. 

    They can also include the addition of some salt to the juice for added benefits. The nutrients and anti-inflammatory substances present in vegetables can soothe the pain and burning symptoms of a hernia.


    What should you avoid during hernia?

    If you are suffering from a hernia, try 

    • Evade heavy lifting as it puts stress on the groin.
    • Eat high-fiber foods and sip plenty of water. 
    • Keep healthy body weight.

    Are gentle walks good for hernia?

    After having a hernia, walking can help maintain your muscles strong and help lessen your risk of intricacies. Walking enables your organs to return to their appropriate place

    For free teleconsultation with our doctor, call us at 88569-88569 or fill the form to share your problem.

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