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What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Leaking Heart Valve?

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Leaking Heart Valve?

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Heart valve

    The life expectancy with a leaky heart valve depends on the type of valve and the severity of the leakage. The improved medical technology has shown a positive impact in improving the quality of life. Moreover, the surgery provides increased chances of survival. However, if the leaky heart valve remains untreated, the chances of survival are reduced. If you want to know about leaking heart valve life expectancy, you can contact Ujala Cygnus Central Hospital. 

    Your life expectancy also depends on the type of heart valve disease. Some common disease types include:

    • Aortic stenosis

    You may not develop its symptoms immediately. It takes almost 3-5 years to develop the symptoms of aortic stenosis. If the condition remains untreated, you may lose your life in the next three years after encountering the symptoms. However, after undergoing surgical valve replacement, you can improve your quality of life. Patients with a replaced valve may have excellent long-term survival. Life expectancy improves exceptionally after undergoing surgery. 

    • Aortic regurgitation

    It is a symptomatic disease that causes breathlessness and chances of heart failure. Once you are diagnosed with aortic regurgitation, you need valve replacement surgery within 2-3 years. It improves the survival chances in patients who are younger than 50 years. The leaking heart valve life expectancy improves to a large extent after the valve replacement surgery.

    • Mitral valve prolapse

    It requires proper medical management. However, the life expectancy of people with mitral valve prolapse is similar to those without this disease. 

    • Mitral stenosis

    If you have developed mild symptoms of mitral stenosis, you may live for at least ten years after diagnosis. However, the calculation of life expectancy is not the same for everyone. Only 80% of patients with mitral stenosis can live up to ten years. Out of the 80% of patients, only 20% may have to deal with severe health conditions. 

    The leaking heart valve life expectancy also depends on your symptoms. For example, if you experience breathlessness frequently, you may expect a decline in your survival rate. It is because breathlessness may impact your daily life and can make simple activities like bathing and cooking challenging to perform. Moreover, if you have developed severe pulmonary hypertension, you may lose your life in less than three years. However, you can improve your life’s quality through timely surgery and mitral valve’s replacement.  

    • Mitral regurgitation

    Timely surgery can improve your chances of survival. In addition, after surgery, your survival rate can match with the people without mitral regurgitation. 

    • Tricuspid regurgitation

    Medical intervention can improve the heart valve leak and life expectancy. If you have developed severe tricuspid regurgitation, your survival rate stands at 64% without treatment. 

    • Pulmonic stenosis

    It significantly affects children and needs medical intervention in the early stages. However, for advanced cases, excellent surgical options are available. In addition, the improvement in treatment options has increased the chances of survival. As a part of the treatment, a child may need a valve replacement. 

    The life expectancy among patients with valvular disease depends on timely diagnosis, proper follow-up, and medical and surgical interventions. Follow-up appointments and medications can reduce long term mortality and morbidity. If you want to know about leaking heart valve life expectancy without surgery, you can consult a cardiologist. 

    What are heart valve diseases?

    Your heart has four chambers, two on the upper side and two on the lower side. A valve controls the blood flow into, within, and out of your heart. Moreover, the valves maintain the blood flow in one direction. When you develop valvular heart disease, your valves become narrow or weak. As a result, it increases the workload on your heart. These diseases may be congenital or develop in old age. 

    The common valvular heart disease includes:

    • Mitral stenosis
    • Mitral regurgitation
    • Tricuspid regurgitation
    • Mitral prolapse
    • Aortic stenosis
    • Aortic regurgitation
    • Pulmonic stenosis

    Your age plays a crucial role in the development of valvular disease. In children, this disease can occur due to rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever is common among children with cancer. If your child has undergone radiation therapy during cancer treatment, they may develop rheumatic fever. Therefore, it is essential to give proper attention to your child’s health. Delay in the treatment process may affect their health adversely. 

    You may develop a mild valvular disease, and benign diseases do not show severe symptoms and often go unnoticed. However, if you have developed severe heart valve disease, you may become vulnerable to heart failure, stroke, blood clots, abnormal heart rhythm, and death.

     To diagnose your condition, you can look for the following symptoms:

    • Breathlessness
    • Dry cough
    • Swelling in the ankle and legs
    • Congestion or discomfort in the chest

    You must not ignore these symptoms and contact a cardiologist for effective treatment options. You can increase your life expectancy by treating valvular diseases. 

    If you want to know about leaking heart valve life expectancy without surgery, you may contact Ujala Cygnus Central Hospital. Moreover, to learn about the life expectancy after leaking heart valve surgery, you may schedule an appointment with us. 

    For free teleconsultation with our doctor, call us at 88569-88569 or fill the form to share your problem.

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