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Can Diabetes Be Cured Permanently?

Can Diabetes Be Cured Permanently?

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    Diabetes is a condition that results when the pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin or when the body fails to make fair use of the insulin it produces. Right after a person gets diagnosed with the condition, their sole aim is to cure the disease; but the question is, can diabetes be cured?

    You may find several articles in magazines and on the web that explain several easy ways to reverse or cure diabetes. But are these topics valid? Can diabetes be cured permanently?

    The one-word answer to this question is “No.” There is no way that people suffering from the condition will one day be completely free from the disease. You cannot reverse diabetes.

    Diabetes Overview


    Before digging into books and the internet to find the answer to ‘can diabetes be cured?’, you must first understand the medical condition. There are two types of diabetes- Type 1 and Type 2.

    Type 1

    Insulin plays a vital role in our body, without which the body cannot regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that arises when the body destroys its pancreatic cells responsible for producing insulin.

    Type 2

    Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body experiences a decreased sensitivity to insulin. In this case, the body fails to generate the minimum amount of insulin that it requires.

    There are several medicines, treatments, lifestyle changes, and diet plans that can help reduce the effects of diabetes in a person’s life, and the answer to a long-standing unanswered question, “can diabetes be cured permanently?”

    How Can Diabetes Be Cured?

    Young sick girl with insulin pump injection on arm

    Diabetes is an incurable condition, but the person suffering from it may go into remission. When a patient goes into remission, their body does not show any symptoms of diabetes when they undergo a test. Remission does not mean they are cured of the condition. The disease is present, it is still present in the body, but it just doesn’t show.

    The remission phase is unique to each individual. Let us consider the case of an overweight or obese diabetic. The patient is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Generally, type 2 diabetes is a gradual process in which the body becomes unable to produce sufficient insulin, or the body’s cell becomes insulin resistant.

    After making lifestyle changes and adopting routine physical activities, the patient loses weight, and the blood glucose level returns to normal. Does that mean the patient is free from diabetes? In this case, normal blood glucose levels do not indicate that the patient is cured. The person still has diabetes. If the patient gives up on physical activities, there is a high chance that they can gain the lost weight, and their blood glucose levels can be high as well.

    One of the main reasons a patient cannot balance blood sugar levels is unhealthy binging. If a diabetic patient leads a lifestyle that involves unhealthy eating over the years, the condition may even worsen. Patients must take oral medication in addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In a worst-case scenario, as a patient, you might have to take insulin injections to keep the blood glucose levels within a healthy range.

    As many lifestyle changes can help you manage it, to lead a healthy life, you must practice healthy eating, follow an exercise routine, and ensure that you keep the blood glucose level under control.

    Can Diabetes Be Cured Completely With A Surgical Approach?


    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that may develop at any time in your life. It results when the body attacks its pancreas’ beta cells, and the body fails to produce the minimum quantity of insulin required. While getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes can be too daunting, many people manage the condition well, keeping the symptoms in mind.

    Some people may even need to take insulin injections, which is considered one of the most common treatments for type 1 diabetes. There is a diverse range of insulin injections available that may vary according to how quickly the insulin works and how long its effects last in the body. There are rapid, short, and long-acting injections that are presently available.

    People who have Type 1 diabetes may choose to use an implantable device to manage the condition without regular injections. According to an animal study published in 2016, the implantable device can help protect the pancreas’ beta cells. However, the procedure is not a proven method, and it also includes several pros and cons. You may have to take specific immunosuppressant drugs for the transplant as well.

    The drawbacks of these transplants are relatively negligible, due to which some people consider undergoing the procedure rather than dealing with the disruptive complications of diabetes. In a few cases, people who have been suffering from diabetes may need a kidney transplant. They may also need to undergo a pancreas transplant.

    The answer to’ can diabetes be cured fully with a surgical procedure?’ is ‘No!’

    Are You Suffering From Gestational Diabetes?

    Gestational diabetes is another type of diabetes that arises in women during pregnancy and resolves after childbirth. However, a pregnant woman must take medicines during her pregnancy as gestational diabetes can adversely impact the developing fetus. The problem is that medicines can have adverse effects on the unborn child as well. The safest option is to consult with your doctor about your gestational pregnancy, who will provide you with pregnancy-safe alternatives that can help reduce the blood sugar level. Apart from having medications, you may also choose to limit sugar intake and engage in regular exercises.


    The answer to the question ‘can diabetes be cured completely?’ has been established. No matter what treatment, diet, medicine or lifestyle changes you have introduced in your life, you cannot cure diabetes. You can only manage your blood sugar level to be able to live a healthy, risk-free life.

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