Ujala Super Speciality Hospital, Kurukshetra brings to a range of medical facilities and dispensary at one place. Patients of Ujala Super Speciality hospital do not need to go to other places for clinical treatment. This UCH dispensary, known as “Sehat Clinic” was inaugurated on World Heart Day, September 29.

Sehat Clinic was inaugurated by Mr. Rajesh Duggal (S.P Kurukshetra). In the event, key police officers of Kurukshetra marked their presence. The media also joined us and covered this exclusive program.

The date and timings of Sehat Clinic will be:

Cardiologist: Every Tuesday 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Orthopedic: Every Friday 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

29 September 2020

29 September 2020

11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Ujala Super Specialty Hospital, Kurukshetra.